Saturday, April 14, 2018


Diposkan oleh Unknown di 10:40 pm
Euthanasia, is Allowed or Opposed?

Euthanasia is a controversial issue that many reactions from pros countries and cons countries. Case about Euthanasia appeared in the midst of Indonesian citizens in recent years. Although euthanasia is not yet known to most people, but there were some peoples who wished to do euthanasia. The case of euthanasia request in Indonesia has been occurred in several times, as the first case occurred on October 22th 2004 at the Islamic Hospital, Bogor. Then in October 2004, there was also a request for euthanasia in Pasar Rebo Hospital, East Jakarta. Case occurred again in 2011 at the Dr. Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya. However, such requests were never granted by the hospital and the District Court.

Reasons that consideration to be euthanasia request, such as, the family doesn’t have enough funds to pay for the treatment and care of the patient, feel sorry to see the suffering who felt by the patient, the patient has been unconscious in a long time. The submission of euthanasia was usually performed in the case of cancer patients who were no longer able to withstand the ordeal and also the fact that the disease of cancer couldn’t be cured anymore.
Look in terms of human rights, everyone is entitled to demand their rights to gain freedom. In this case, when the death is the choice made by the patient, then we must respect their rights and opinions. Patients need to have the freedom to let go of the suffering caused by mental fatigue and pain caused by the disease. Patients have been thought clearly about the impact of the decisions they made.
In addition, in the case of passive euthanasia for instance, in accordance with the biological conditions, the real soul of the patient is no longer alive (biologically dead). It's just that there are some tools that constantly paired to maintain the patient's body to survive. In fact, it is a bit of a lie that deceives the destiny. Certain organs are forced to be used again as if still able to support the patient's body and prolong the patient's life.
On the other hand, the rejection euthanasia demands also based on several reasons. Euthanasia clearly violates the God's law. The death of a person is determined by God. Humans, even doctors, are not entitled to precede the law of God. Humans are only allowed to strive as much as possible to sustain life, the rest is only God who able to determine a person's life.
In euthanasia, the death of the patient is manipulated such a manner that precedes God's will. Perpetrators of euthanasia as though take over God's right to take the life of the patient. If that happens, it means they have committed a heinous act that already clearly prohibited in Islam despite they kill properly and slowly with the purpose of dispel the suffering of dying though.
Moreover, euthanasia is not allowed in the laws and regulations in Indonesia. A perpetrator of euthanasia against the law because it robs the human rights, is the right to life and survival. The right to life in this case means the right of a person's life can’t be reduced at all under any circumstances and by anyone. The right to life also means the right to a decent life, the right to life with a respected and held in high esteem by all human beings.
In the field of health, euthanasia is rejected or not allowed to be applied based on medical considerations. Euthanasia is a crime and a grave violation in medical ethics. Health care should take reasonable steps to provide another solution to handle disease patients to improve the quality of life of patients, although not be able to heal the pain suffered by the patient. This conforms to Islamic law, that desperation to a disease is not allowed. Both patients and health care, should try to find any alternatives in order to sustain life.
In conclusion, euthanasia should be considered as well as the implementation of assessed and discussed further to be able to rejected or accepted in a medical environment, social, cultural, and religious because it much raises the pros and cons in the community and among medical personnel in all countries. We as smart students should prioritize the health and welfare of the community by providing the best solutions that would be acceptable to all parties.

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